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Stress Management & Well-being Assessment

We're studying how stress affects daily life and performance. Your insights will help both us and yourself to understand the current awareness of this mental health problem. This survey takes approximately 2-3 minutes to complete.

Personal Stress Awareness
Which aspects of your life are most impacted by stress?
Do you currently use or have used any of these?
How well it worked
If you knew a better option was available on the market, how interested would you be about it
Do you consider stress management a priority on your life
I do not know
Did you know that stress is directly related to the three main causes of death globally?
Yes, very aware
I have not thought about it
I am not concerned about that
No I was not aware
Have you at any point considering how much is stress and related mental health problems costing you in your daily life?
If there was a program that required just a few minutes per day, and was backed up by scientific facts instead of relying on traditional, but often slower methodologies and practices, would you be interested in getting it?
Definitely yes where do I sign up?
No I do not care about stress
Depends on the cost
Thank you for participating! Would you like to:

Talk to our interactive avatar about our Stress Management program to answer the questions above and much more!

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