If someone claims they alone hold "the truth" and can help you escape "the matrix," I urge you to pause and consider. Let me explain why such claims fail to deliver genuine insight.
To question myths is not to lose meaning, but to uncover it. It is a quiet return to what has always been within you, waiting to be seen.
Those who follow my work know I describe humanity as deeply immersed in a complex web of myths, some harmless, others not. For now, let us use the "matrix" metaphor as a way to explore this idea.
Exiting "the matrix" is not about adopting stories filled with "evil elites", "selfless saviors," or "helpless victims." These narratives may seem compelling, but they are distractions. The way to step outside the system is to return to the state before language starts shaping our experiences, a state where we can see how meaning arises and how concepts are built. This allows us to see a world without assumptions, beliefs, or myths.
To claim one has fully "escaped the matrix," one would need to step away from living among others entirely, leaving behind shared structures and social constructs. Short of this, remaining "inside" requires learning to use epistemic tools that allow us to move beyond language and see beliefs for what they are, tools of varying utility depending on the context.
Elaborate stories and entertaining tales do not dismantle the system, they perpetuate it. Such stories validate biases, providing comfort instead of clarity. This keeps the structure alive, even as people pretend to have risen above it. Most seekers, including those who consider themselves "spiritual" or "vibrating at high frequency," fall into this trap.
Critical thinking is not about consuming content that aligns with preconceptions, no matter how compelling it seems. It demands a disciplined approach, learning research methods, questioning common beliefs systematically, and understanding how to evaluate claims beyond gut feelings. And no, watching YouTube videos does not qualify as "doing research."
Seeking clarity requires courage and effort. It means letting go of comforting illusions while building tools to navigate this intricate human construct with integrity and understanding. This path is not meant to be easy, but it leads to a deeper engagement with what is meaningful. With what you are at the core of your being.
To embrace our humanity is to honor the struggle and the wonder within us. It is to acknowledge profound yearning for something meaningful, something beautiful, that helps us to uncover our sacred path.